American Legion Post 202 meets on the fourth Monday of each month (No meeting in December) at 7:00 PM.
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The American Legion is one of the largest veteran’s organizations in the world, with over 2,900,000 members in 50 states, the District of Columbia and 4 foreign countries. Legion Post 202 strongly supports the Boys and Girls State programs. Boys State was formed in 1935 and Girls State shortly after. The Buckeye Boys State (Ohio) is the largest in the nation with approximately 1,200 Boys Stators participating each year with 8 days of hands-on experiences in non-partisan city, county and state government.
Our nationally-recognized Honor Guard performs ceremonies for deceased veterans at the Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman, Ohio as well as local cemeteries in the Medina City area.
For more information contact Phill Grassa, Post Commander, at 330-416-0792 or
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